Tossa Tossa My Bear Guy release date
Hello Tossa Tossa fans !
Just a little message to remind you all Tossa Tossa My Bear Guy is a pre-order item (started in december 2016 only) and its realease date will take place in the very end of spring. You may all know that Chinese New Year was during a month (mid january to mid february) and all factories in China stopped working. This happened during the concept of the massproduction Tossa Tossa prototype and we still have to be patient to get our little guy home…
You know we will never have enough words to thank you for your trust and love for Tossa Tossa. We ask you keep us all your friendship and stay tunned. We will soon control the first samples and hope to give you news on the website and on social networks. Remember making a figure takes a year from concept artworks to final product and Out Collector Figures will not escape this rule ! Of course this is possible only thanks to you !
We know many of you have been first times supporters in last December and we thanked you with the “bearhug” coupon. Believe in us as you did since the beginning ! May the bear force be with us !
– Patrick Grange and the Out Collector Figures team
Hi, Recieved a DHL shipping notice. Thanks for all your dedication and work to make this great doll! Looking forward to the unveiling 🙂
Happy to report that I received my Tossa Bear Guy via DHL this afternoon and impressed with the final product. It was definitely worth the wait with a great paint job and well toned physique. Congrats on the release of your first figure. I hope you are able to continue the line and create other Bear Guys of different ethnicities & skin color.
I discovered Tossa Bear Guy by chance and immediately I fell in love with him . It was a must have and so Tossa Bear came to stay in my house , on my desk… I love the new projects for new characters, but I’d like to suggest to create older characters too. I’m fond of daddies and silver daddies with long white beards ( for example just like Santa ) and I bet that many collectors would be happy to get a new “older” Tossa character … I hope someone will make my wish come true soon .
Bye and everyone enjoy his Tossa 😘
Hola me encantaría tener uno de esos muñecos es uno de mis sueños soy de Uruguay. Mi nombre es Humberto santos por favor me podrían mandar un muñeco tossa tossa