Tossa Tossa in factory
Hello OCF people of the world !
As you all know, we have one of the best factories in China working on Tossa Tossa (cf 1st news). Thanks to your implication and trust in our society, we will soon be able to launch the production. Anyway, more that just a factory, these chinese professionals are our partners and certainly not strangers. When I was the brand manager of Tsume S.A, I was already working with them on Fairy Tail and Street Fighter PVC statues and the trust is mutual.
Courtesy of them, they already stared the work and it allows us to show you some pics taken by the factory main manager.
Tossa Tossa’s head is cut in several parts to respect the sculpt and make a perfect assembly :
The colour is random. Injection tests are most of the time made in grey colour. Of course, Tossa Tossa will get his beautiful skin tone in the end ! The body is also getting prepared for manufacturing. Nipples are separated parts to be coloured during injection. It allows us not to paint it and to avoid paint chipping. You will be able to change Tossa Tossa’s clothes and play with him without being worried of damaging him ! It is the same for the privates hair. You can now see the arms are articulated. The neck has also be adapted to receive a ball joint. Tossa Tossa’s head will be able to make 360° movements !
Now take a loot at the shoes. This was actually quite a challenge ! Doll’s feet are usually the sacrificed part of a sculpt because they must fit in the shoes. Mass market dolls have all attached toes or barely sculpted toes to fit in the shoes easier. Tossa Tossa has big manly feet and it was out of the question to change it ! The factory suggested to cut the shoes in the middle but we refused. Then, they thought about making it with fabric materials but the aspect would have been totally different from the sculpt of Alex Bronnings. Finally, a soft material and a removable front part will make it perfect ! As our factory crafts really clean molds, it should really be perfect ! Big foot saved ! We even keep the space between the toes to make flip-flops soon !
Last but not least, the privates are also being reconsidered to be removeable ! That is such a great news for the first accessory pack we will make ! A new “willy” will probably be included in it among other new parts. We can’t wait to show you that ! Stay tunned !
We hope you like factory news like this because we will make some as many times as we can. You trust us to bring you the best figure possible and we want you to know how things go on. Thanks a lot for reading !
– Patrick Grange
Awesome news, I’m excited!
Thank you Tom !! We are too ! We love the production process especially with such a great factory !
Soon another news about the factory outfits ! We can’t wait to see that !!
I’m a Chinese fan of Tossa Tossa! Is that mean the dolls will be made in China and transported to your country and shipping back to China to me? T_T Haha! He will travel round the world before coming to me! What a rich experienced guy 😀
Lol, yes Ethan, Tossa Tossa will travel back to you signed (if you asked it),with the postcard and limited print. We could ship directly from China if we had around 50 chinese customers. Maybe you can create a Tossa Tossa Chinese fan page !
Hello to who it may concern is this the right email address to reserve one for myself ?! I love it absolutely handsome
How tall is this Tossa-Tossa doll?
Tossa Tossa is 22,5 cm tall.
And how much does he cost in American Money and will you be distributing him here in the US?
Paypal makes the convertion when you buy him. You can also take a look with google.
We will send directly worldwide from our facilities with DHL.