Who is Out Collector Figures ?
Maybe you do not wonder, but why not taking a look at who are the people of the Out Collector Figures company and Tossa Tossa team ? Let’s introduce the crew !
The founder and creator : Patrick Grange
Well, that is me. I have always loved toys and figures since I was a child (from the 80’s). Now I feel Pop Culture is important and I consider it as a very artistic field of our lives.
After creating geekinbox.fr (a figures news website), I became the associate, brand manager, 2D designer and quality controller of Tsume SA for 3 years.
I had the opportunity to work with prestigious licenses like Naruto, Saint Seiya, Soul Eater, One Piece, Street Fighter, Fairy Tail and many more… From the start with concept arts, packaging creation, eyes drawing, some opinions about sculpts and quality Control with China to end in the final production result, I surely got a certain level in making resin and PVC figures.
Now, I still love all types of figures from collector statues to dolls and toys and enjoy collecting. As you know, I noticed no sexy male or gay figures had their chances on the market these times so I decided to create OCF and Tossa Tossa.
I dream of many cute dolls, great chibi figures and even fantastic fantasy dioramas related to male sexyness.
The sculptor of Tossa Tossa My Bear Guy : Alex Bronnings
We contacted Alex Bronnings because he is specialized in creating 3D art of sexy guys. It was more than natural to think about him to create a figure. Following my concepts, he gave life to Tossa Tossa and allowed us to print prototypes. He enjoyed making his first figure adapted sculpt with Out Collector Figures !
Check his art on his Facebook page, he makes really awesome illustrations and has his own universe !
The modeler of Tossa Tossa’s outfits : Alonso Stella
Our doll clothes modeler is a talented artist. He had to create and adjust all outfits of Tossa Tossa based on my concepts. Coming from the universe of collector dolls, his technical skills had to adapt to a muscular body which was quite a challenge !
Alonso is also very implicated in all Out Collector Figures projects and is a assiduous community manager.
Check his works on his Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/honeydollscustoms
The Paint Master : Jonathan Fernandes
Our painter is a skilled self-educated technician certainly used to paint more shônen characters and superheroes than sexy guys. Fortunatly, Out collector Figures gave him his first opportunity to paint a man’s willy ! He has the difficult tasks to choose right colours and emphasize the sculpt. Of course, he is passionate for Pop Culture, manga, comics and all the things we love.
Check his works on his Facebook page :
The Chibi Tossa sculptor : Ron Kam
Ron is a yound 3D artist opened to many styles. His adaptations abilities makes him a precious partner and we hope to make more figures with him in a near future.
Check his works on his ArtStation profile :
The webmaster : Maxime Pomier
Guess who made this great website ? Maxime also did the www.tossatossa.com website allowing you all to see uncensored pictures and more Tossa related projects. What would be any firm with a good webmaster nowadays ? He is a precious member of our team.
The factory of Tossa Tossa My Bear Guy
If there is one partner you must trust when you make figures, it is your factory. Ours is based in china and is certainly one of the best in making PVC and ABS figures. Working for prestigious Japanese brands, our factory will use all its expertise to make Tossa Tossa a high quality figure. Of course, I already had the opportunity to work with them to make Fairy Tail’s grey and some Street Fighter main characters.
We hope you now know us a little bit better and will renew us your trust. Out Collector figures is proud to present its first figure in the name of Tossa Tossa and really needs support from everybody to get the opportunity to show what can be achieved in a near future. There are many figures it is time to make !
Thanks for reading !
– Patrick
Super équipe !
Merci Loïc !